
The Importance of Noticing (and Avoiding) Self-Sabotage

The Importance of Noticing (and Avoiding) Self-Sabotage

Self-doubt is a normal function whenever we engage with something that is unfamiliar. But it doesn't have to be a problem, and if we stick with it, it can actually draw us onward to succeed at things we never imagined were possible.

The Responsibility to Be Curious

The Responsibility to Be Curious

Fearing the unknown is natural, but ignoring it can be fatal.  When we become aware of sudden changes in our symptomology—our physical, mental, and emotional expressions of what is happening right now—our first reaction does not need to be denial or a terrified “Oh, no!”. 

Reflux: Too Much or Too Little Acid?

Reflux:  Too Much or Too Little Acid?

A client recently asked for some help with explaining to friends and acquaintances more about how low stomach acid can cause acid reflux and other downstream dysfunctions in the body.

Hang on—LOW stomach acid can cause acid reflux?

Even A Healthy Diet Can’t Beat Lifestyle Overdrive

Even A Healthy Diet Can’t Beat Lifestyle Overdrive

An all-too-common complaint from people we see—many of them first-time clients—goes something like this: 

“I eat super healthy foods, only organic, I exercise all the time, and yet I’m still exhausted and find it hard to lose weight.  What am I missing?”