
 Videos We Recommend to Get Started

We cover a wide range of educational topics in our videos, and these are some of our top recommendations to learn how we approach the dynamic dance between embodied living, soul expression, and spiritual connection. Enjoy!

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More Topics to Explore

In this video, Masami defines anxiety, symptoms, and types of anxiety disorders, as well as the connections between distractions and anxiety, and a powerful practice to reduce it.

Masami shares how anxiety dims your internal light. And how the rising rates of anxiety are a sign that our deeper nature is calling us back home.

This video discusses how anxiety impacts the different chakra centers, and how each chakra center has its own way of expressing anxiety.

Masami and Chris cover the 1st and 2nd chakras in this first video.

In this video, Masami and Chris talk about nutritional factors that impact the ways our bodies operate daily; the rising interest in nutritional genomics and nutritional psychiatry; effects of soil mineral depletion on our long-term health; and specific nutrient deficiencies that result from antibiotics and anti-depressant SSRI medications.

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Mercury Retrograde doesn’t need to be annoying, frustrating, or even scary—it is a blessing and a gift from the Universe / Cosmos. It gives you the chance to find your true north and true expression.

Masami introduces three gifts that you may receive through Mercury Retrograde several times per year.

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In this video, Masami offers an hour of Health Intuitive Readings, taking live Q&A from the participants and providing pointed and personal recommendations—even some humor and tears—for a range of health concerns in her signature Masami way! The beauty of these sessions is that while there are always far more questions than we have time to address in one call, the answers given can also reach anyone listening and provide insights and practical learning as others receive the direct support they need.

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In this video, Masami and Chris explore the many benefits of another Wonder Nutrient, Magnesium, and its contributions to some of our most necessary functions like relaxing our bodies, creating energy, building strong bones, metabolizing blood sugar, helping make GABA to calm our minds, and getting restful sleep. We also take a few minutes at the beginning to recognize all of the struggles people are facing in the world. We practice connecting with our interoception, our inner bodily awareness, and feeling the rhythm of our hearts beating with our breath, And later we dive into the functions of magnesium and the best forms of magnesium for different needs of the body.

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