
Quantum Sound Therapy

Experience Harmonic Healing

The most healing sound in the world is your own voice.

People come to Therapy for a Blessing.
Not so much to fix what’s broken, but to have what’s broken blessed.
— James Hillman

Introducing Quantum Sound Therapy:

The Subtle Gateway to Harmonic Healing and Inner Balance

Are you seeking a powerful and holistic approach to enhancing your well-being and optimal balance in life? Quantum Sound Therapy is a revolutionary breakthrough in the field of vibrational healing.

Experience the Power of Quantum Sound Therapy

Quantum Sound Therapy applies principles of quantum physics and the presence of scalar waves that interpenetrate all matter in the cosmos. It also bows to the ancient wisdom of sound healing to provide a transformative and deeply rejuvenating experience. By combining cutting-edge technology with the harmonious frequencies of scalar waves and sound, this therapy offers a truly unique and immersive healing journey.

How Does Quantum Sound Therapy Work?

Harnessing the power of your own voice using advanced scalar wave technology, Quantum Sound Therapy precisely delivers a bio-individual symphony of specific frequencies, tones, and harmonics directly to your body and energy field. These precisely calibrated vibrations target the very essence of your being, promoting an alignment of mind, body, and soul.

Each session of Quantum Sound Therapy provides an audio imprint of your unique Voice Code that works on a quantum level, stimulating your body's natural ability to heal and restore balance. By balancing and harmonizing your vibrational frequencies from within and without, this therapy helps to dissolve energy blockages, release emotional stress, open your heart, and reestablish a state of inner equilibrium.

Transform Your Well-Being with Quantum Sound Therapy

  • Relieve Stress and Anxiety: Quantum Sound Therapy has the remarkable ability to calm your nervous system and alleviate the daily stressors and anxiety that may be holding you back. Immerse yourself in the soothing sounds and feel the tensions melt away as you rediscover a sense of tranquility and peace.

  • Enhance Mental Clarity and Focus: Are you struggling with a cluttered mind and lack of focus? Quantum Sound Therapy can help you regain mental clarity and sharpen your concentration. By rejuvenating your brainwave patterns, this therapy guides you towards a state of heightened awareness and improved cognitive abilities.

  • Boost Energy and Vitality: Do you often feel tired or lack the stamina to keep up with the demands of your daily life? Quantum Sound Therapy revitalizes your energy reserves, encouraging a renewed sense of vigor and vitality. Experience a surge of inspiration as your body and mind find balance and harmony.

  • Support Physical Healing: Whether you are dealing with chronic pain, injuries, or an illness, Quantum Sound Therapy can complement your existing treatments by promoting faster recovery and assisting in pain management. By activating your body's natural healing mechanisms, this therapy stimulates cellular regeneration and accelerates the healing process.

What Quantum Sound Therapy IS

QST is a powerful combination of individualized healing vibrations generated from the 5-octave range of the human voice that reaches into your nervous system and unconscious mind to facilitate healing and release.

QST is a highly specialized tool of energy and consciousness-raising. It can actually feel strange and unfamiliar at first!

QST challenges our old patterns, preferences and assumptions. It taps into your deepest intelligence to help you experience what is needed right now, by clearing space, dissolving barriers, removing obstacles, clarifying distractions, and elucidating dreams.

What Quantum Sound Therapy is NOT

QST is not your garden-variety sound healing playlist, or even “music” in the conventional sense.

Even though QST results in many forms of relaxation, stress-relief, deeper awareness & healing, and restful sleep, it is not:

  • Soothing Meditation or Spa Music

  • A sleep aid or lullaby sounds

  • Sounds to “bliss out”

  • Chanting music

  • Sing-along music

  • A sound bath

QST Client Testimonials

I am amazed how you can get the kernel of truth from me... In a million years I would never have come up with such a succinct affirmation that would match my intentions and where I want to move in my life.  I appreciated your non judgement and support during the session.
— Laura, British Columbia, Canada
The Quantum affirmation voice recording...played a big factor in giving me the courage to step forward into my new way of living!! ...I am busy every day of the week now!! But so much of it is my passion and purpose finally getting to come out and make a difference in so many more lives!!
— Sue P., Highland, Indiana
Thank you so much for these recordings . I love the silent gaps... I could feel the vibrations of the QST in my head & body... After listening to this 1st recording it felt like my mind opened up and I was having so many aha’s...

For me in the ‘golden’ silence breaks as I call it, I could hear the oscillation of the vibrations slowing down & settling. I felt like it was a gateway into listening to the more silent language of my body that I am ‘too in a hurry’ to listen to mostly. Or something even more subtle.
— Anjula B., London, UK
Thank you so much for spending your precious time with me today. It was so helpful to let the pain release and just breathe! You have such a calming effect, and I am ever so grateful. After our session, I sat in my chair and fell into a deep, relaxing sleep the likes of which I haven’t been able to do in a long time. I just listened to the QST recording and again fell into a deep sleep...
[Follow up] I wanted to send a quick note of gratitude before I head over to the hospital! I’ve listened to the QST recording again and again, and each time something expands or resolves on a level that has helped calm me and keep me grounded as the world continues to spin out!!
— Mary B., Murrell's Inlet, SC
I have been listening to the Quantum Sound recording and it has become a great background for my morning meditation. I have noticed that my meditations are more fluid and focused and also that when I do listen to it in the morning, my energy is more vital and sustained throughout the day.
— Colleen C., Valley Center, California
What I have noticed is synchronicity increasing with what I need to know — how answers come over email to fill in the blanks and/or make new connections.
— Sharon Marie, Lexington, Virginia
I am happy to say it felt very timely to be gifted the opportunity to try QST. It happened that I was already called to working with the Ho’Oponopono at the time, so to have it recorded was perfect!
— Lani C., Tigard, Oregon

Unlock the Quantum Healing Power of Your Own Voice!

Are you ready to unlock the potential waiting inside of you?

New Dates open!

Book your 30 minute session, which includes:

  • 24 minute Quantum Sound Voice Code audio soundtrack based on your unique voiceprint (download link provided)

  • 2 Session Types available:

    • Mother Sounds: Opportunity to deepen your connection with the “mother sounds” of your body-mind-energy being

    • Focused Blessings, Affirmations, and Prayers (come prepared with a short blessing, affirmation, or prayer if selecting this option)

  • Live guidance from Chris Covey, an experienced teacher and guide, to focus your intentions and energy during the session