
Boron: 5 Properties of a Mighty Micromineral

Boron: 5 Properties of a Mighty Micromineral

Boron, a very obscure but essential mineral in the body, has been found to have a multitude of health benefits. It is known to help the body absorb calcium and magnesium, which are essential for strong bones.

Is Excess Calcium Blocking Your Cosmic Flow?  

Is Excess Calcium Blocking Your Cosmic Flow?  

We all have heard how harmful heavy metals are for our brain, liver, kidneys, and more. But a high tissue level of calcium, which begins to act like a “concrete wall” inside your body, can also impact your endocrine functions (thyroid, adrenals, etc.) dramatically. Excess tissue calcium literally blocks you electrically and energetically from being in the Cosmic Flow.

3 Nourishing Tips for the Holidays

3 Nourishing Tips for the Holidays

What a wild and, at times, disorienting month this has been! Boy am I relieved and grateful to have Mercury complete its final retrograde for 2019—although we still have a bit more to go with its shadow period!

This month so far has been a time of inner reflection on what’s important, and at times a painful release of what’s blocking us and stealing our energy. Despite the wild ride, it’s also been a month of focus and greater clarity, and for that I am deeply grateful.

Reflection, Not More Affirmation

Reflection, Not More Affirmation

While going through my office recently, I realized how many old books, notebooks, binders, textbooks, course notes, sticky notes, and collections of papers with inspirational thoughts and quotes scribbled in a rush I had accumulated.  And forgotten—despite my good intentions and promises made to myself to review and reflect on my own learning journey.