
Stress (Homeopathic)

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Stress (Homeopathic)


This homeopathic support offers a gentle adjunct to other stress therapies that is easy on the digestive and nervous systems.

Product contains purified water, ethyl alcohol and the following homeopathics – American Ginseng 4x, Passiflora Incarnata 4x, Scutellaria Laterflora 4x, Valeriana Officinalis 4x, Arsenicum Album 12x, Aurum Metallicum 12x, Calcera Carbonica 12x, Coffea Cruda 12x, Ignatia Amara 12x, Kali Phosphoricum 12x, Lycopus Virginicus 12x, Phosphorus 12x and Staphysagia 12x.

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