
The Hara Center: Connecting with the Subtleties of Your Gut (eBook)

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The Hara Center: Connecting with the Subtleties of Your Gut (eBook)


Have you ever felt uncentered, internally disconnected, or cut off from your body and life?

In this 26-page eBook, Masami highlights important points and simple practices to help you care for your Hara, the center of your being, which corresponds directly with your gut.

Masami includes personal experiences with Hara awareness from her time growing up in Japan, and effective practices she has employed as a health practitioner for over 20 years.


  • How the gut acts as a "second brain" in the body
  • How the Hara connects us to everything in our lives
  • Powerful tools and breathing practices to support your Hara Center
  • Massages and yoga poses that activate Hara health and flow
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